Re: Various resources

Mark (
Sat, 8 Oct 1994 14:38:23 -0700 (PDT)

>I am also convinced many cracker groups have someone who has access to
>source, possibly from school or Daddy's job running some big site, and

Some food for thought, the *BEST* ligth-to-dark grey hats Ive seen are
not in a group and would not consider it. Groups are the fastest way
to hear that bone chilling slam of a cell door. The shaded hat prefers
to do their own thing when they want/need to and keep up to speed by
chatting with others of their genre, sometimes giving a less knowledgable
type a break to see how they handle it, but usually sticking to knowns
and trusting very few.

My experience is that they are more responsible than you would give them
credit... the idea of the cutting edge tools being 'out there' is very
unnerving. Can you imagine letting someone with a low sense of responsibility
loose with tools that can kill entire top level domains in a few days...
Its like letting a 17 year old male loose in a harem.. things end up very
fucked. If you hang in the haunts you'll see the types that make you worry,
they will be the 0|\|3z $P34|<1nG |_iKE +|-|1Z. Dickheads - and out to
prove it. Seems they lose their social conscience when you put a keyboard
in front of them.

One example that comes to mind is someone who wanted to get rich quick in
the cracking tools sense and he expected to just turn up and have it all
given to him. It didnt happen of course as he was an unknown and had to
basically do the social interaction to prove his character before he was
to have any trust emplaced in him. But, as you might expect he didnt want
to do that or didn't realise it. So he turned bad and went to one of the
higher profile trasher crowds because they didnt care for character
so much as what they could get. Now he's on the bad side of the tracks
and I cant see any chance of him being trusted by the ones that count.
He blames "you f*cking snobs" for being cautious, and he has a large chip on
his shoulder thats going to take some shaking. Its one of those vicious
circles, like being born in a poor, violent neighbourhood. Getting out is
[End of rant :)]

The Daddy's job idea is humourous... the idea of approaching or using
your parent(s) to gain source code to an operating system is quaint...
Do you have experience in this area? You arent RTM Jr. are you? :)


OB useful shit: the sun loadmodule patch doesnt work. u-s it.